2014年本科毕业于北京理工大学,后进入英国牛津大学攻读博士。2018年博士毕业后继续留在Alison Noble教授的团队中开展博士后研究。2019年9月加入深大倪东教授团队,任助理教授。
(1)l Jian, W., Juzheng, M., Xin, Y., Rui, L., Guangquan, Z., Yuhao, H., Zehui, L., Wufeng, X., Xiaohong, J., Jianqiao, Z. , Ruobing, H* and Dong Ni., 2020. Auto-weighting for Breast Cancer Classification in Multimodal Ultrasound. arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.03435,(accepted in MICCAI2020).
(2)Huang, R., Xie, W. and Noble, J.A*., 2018. VP-Nets: Efficient automatic localization of key brain structures in 3D fetal neurosonography. Medical image analysis, 47, pp.127-139.
(3)Huang, R., Noble, J.A. and Namburete, A.I*., 2018, September. Omni-supervised learning: scaling up to large unlabelled medical datasets. In International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (pp. 572-580). Springer, Cham.
(4)Huang, R., Namburete, A. and Noble, A*., 2018. Learning to segment key clinical anatomical structures in fetal neurosonography informed by a region-based descriptor. Journal of Medical Imaging, 5(1), p.014007